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Petite Mendigote

Petite MendigoteClothing Women Petite Mendigote CELESTINE 

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Petite Mendigote : Accessories, accessories ...
Petite Mendigote is the story of a young girl who loves fashion, Hello Kitty, and Marilyn Monroe. A childlike universe a long way from her university studies. As such, with her degree in hand, she decided to leave her law office to create her own line of fun , chic, and creative accessories. Petite Mendigote  was thus launched in 2003, to the happiness of fashionistas who loved her handbags, shoes, and scarves with their unique touches. The hit product at Petite Mendigote that has fashionistas everywhere raving and which has made the brand a success is certainly the multifunction bag inscribed with a message

Clothing Women Short Dresses Petite Mendigote CELESTINE Marine

Petite Mendigote

USD/$160.00      USD/$128.00
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Clothing Women Short Dresses Petite Mendigote CELESTINE Marine
Petite Mendigote

USD/$160.00      USD/$128.00


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