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PLDM by Palladium

PLDM by PalladiumShoes Women PLDM by Palladium TILA 

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P.L.D.M by Palladium
P.L.D.M by Palladium is above all an aviation story. In 1920, faced with the emerging aerospace market, the brand manufactures tires for the industry and quickly became one of the leading manufacturers of aircraft tires in Europe. At the end of World War II and with it the fall in demand, with a robust know-how, the brand joined the shoe market by manufacturing canvas and rubber boots. This is how the beautiful story of Palladium was born. Today, this brand boasts of its iconic boots a large number of followers with the notched sole and its shoes are synonymous today with quality and robustness.

Shoes Women Low top trainers PLDM by Palladium TILA Blue

PLDM by Palladium

USD/$86.00      USD/$68.80
Available sizes
Shoes Women Low top trainers PLDM by Palladium TILA Blue
PLDM by Palladium

USD/$86.00      USD/$68.80


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