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Freeman T.Porter

Freeman T.PorterClothing Women Freeman T.Porter LOTISSE 

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FREEMAN T. PORTER : Kids in America
It was in 1993 that the German-American designer decided to use the name of his father "Freeman T. Porter", a solder in the US Army, to launch a collection of streetwear clothing. Freeman T. Porter collections draw inspiration from the "Army" world to reinvent the style in more urban and contemporary designs. By taking inspiration from the military, workwear, and university fashion trends, the brand's collections are designed by a team of English, French, German, and Italian designers who work together to reinvent "lifestyle" fashion for a new generation.

Clothing Women Short Dresses Freeman T.Porter LOTISSE LACE White

Freeman T.Porter
Lotisse Lace

USD/$103.00      USD/$82.40
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Clothing Women Short Dresses Freeman T.Porter LOTISSE LACE White
Freeman T.Porter
Lotisse Lace

USD/$103.00      USD/$82.40


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