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Banana Moon

Banana MoonClothing Women Banana Moon MILLER SANTAFE 

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Banana Moon: Californian Sunwear
Banana Moon was founded in 1984 when Daniel Flachaire, his wife Véronique and Bernard Donati crossed pathes with a young designer living in the United States, Nat Maori. This partnership would define the Californian spirit of the brand. Each collection reflects the values ​​of this region in the United States, where fashion gives a true identity to lifestyle. Nat Maori would communicate through his work, all forms of energy, and the vitality of colours. The choice of fabrics accentuates the comfortable side. These combinations gets us in the holiday spirit, but also allows us to live the American dream. It's Californian character adds a young and sunny touch. The Banana Moon style has been born!

Clothing Women Swimsuits Banana Moon MILLER SANTAFE Black

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Banana Moon
Miller Santafe

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Clothing Women Swimsuits Banana Moon MILLER SANTAFE Black
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Banana Moon
Miller Santafe



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