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GioseppoShoes Girl Gioseppo DELONICE 

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Gioseppo : Have a nice day !
Have a nice day! This is the philosophical adage of the brand Gioseppo. Because fashion is important yet so are the simple things in life, the brand creates inspired collections influenced by the Mediterranean, the city and the fast pace of society. A real success, the secret lies in their forward thinking fashion that combines tradition and modernity without restraint. In parallel, Gioseppo promotes a sustainable environment which is illustrated in particular by the building society: an ecological model that generates more energy than it consumes! Also, since 2000, the brand meets the certification standards for ISO 9001:2008 that guarantees the quality of its models with a control system from design to marketing.

Shoes Girl Sandals Gioseppo DELONICE Pink / Gold

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Shoes Girl Sandals Gioseppo DELONICE Pink / Gold
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