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Join us on 24th June 2020 until 21st July 2020 for the summer sales.

At Spartoo, shoes, clothing, handbags, and tons of accessories are all on sale. With the start of the sale season, an exciting time for all fashion lovers, Spartoo is ready to reveal our biggest markdowns. Get ready to take advantage of the Spartoo sales! Now is the time to look for your items online and add them to your shopping bag.

Looking for a pair of boots or brogues? A dress or a fashionable bag? Or perhaps a deal on a pair of Converse, Nike, New Balance, or Adidas trainers? Or what about a discount on a new pair of Vans, Birkenstock, Geox, or Timberland?

Spartoo has so many surprises in store for the sale season, starting 24th June 2020.

And don't forget: you can find great deals all year long in our selection of clearance items, or shop our selection of women's shoes, men's shoes and children's shoes.

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