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PourchetShoulder bags Women Pourchet 

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Pourchet: Excellence is a family affair
Established in 1903, Pourchet is primarily a family affair. In the beginning of the brand, which has now become a well-known fashion house, Auguste Pourchet decided to open a small workshop in Paris producing small money pouches in the early in the twentieth century . It is then that Leo, his son and his wife took over the business in 1910. They overhauled the product and made Pourchet a true reference. Robert, the youngest son arrived at the helm of the family business in 1940 and launched a line specializing in luggage and suitcases. The Pourchet bag then settled permanently in the landscape of luxury leather goods around the world. It has continued to go from success to success and the brand has imposed its name and expertise in the world of luxury accessories.

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